Resource Category: White papers and reports
Securing energy and natural resources against modern cyber threats Learn the critical need for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication to safeguard this critical infrastructure and authentication best practices to close the critical threat gap that emerges from legacy authentication. Read more energy and natural resources modern authentication oil and gas phishing-resistant MFA -
How governments and higher education can achieve 100% MFA Learn how state and local governments and higher education can drive 100 percent MFA coverage to protect against phishing and account takeovers Read more education phishing-resistant MFA state and local government -
Graduating from legacy MFA to modern authentication Download the Yubico White Paper, Graduating from legacy MFA to modern authentication: The critical need for increased security across education, to learn authentication best practices in modernizing authentication to stop modern day cyber threats. Read more authentication education MFA -
Protecting the supply chain with highest-assurance security Download the Yubico White Paper, Protecting the supply chain with highest-assurance security: Go passwordless, ensure product integrity, and protect the software supply chain, to learn authentication best practices in securing supply chain integrity. Read more MFA supply chain -
Protecting manufacturing with highest-assurance security Learn how to secure manufacturing organizations and the importance of strong security and phishing-resistant MFA. Read more manufacturing security -
Maximizing security for pharma with phishing-resistant MFA Read this white paper to learn how to achieve phishing-resistant MFA and passwordless across the pharmaceutical industry Read more digital transformation healthcare Pharma phishing-resistant MFA -
Best practices for securing mobile-restricted environments Learn security best practices to secure mobile-restricted environments where users can’t, won’t, or don’t use a mobile phone, and therefore weak forms of protection such as mobile authentication is simply not even an option. Read more -
Why legacy authentication is putting your users at risk Step one in any effective cyber security program includes securing privileged accounts, credentials, and secrets with modern strong authentication. Download the Yubico White Paper, The critical strong authentication need for privileged users, to learn who really is a privileged user, and industry best practices to secure your privileged users against phishing attacks and account takeovers. Read more authentication privileged users -
Securing shared workstations against modern cyber threats Download the Yubico White Paper, to learn the key considerations for authentication across shared workstation environments such as call centers, manufacturing floors, retail and hospitality kiosks, medical stations, and others. Read more phishing phishing-resistant MFA shared workstation -
How State and Local Governments Combat Account Takeovers Read how state and local governments are securing workers, election infrastructure, and digital services using the YubiKey for strong authentication Read more government state and local government strong authentication