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  • Yubico LogoHow the YubiKey worksProven security at scale Stop account Takeovers YubiKeys are trusted by the world’s largest companies and users have experienced 0 account takeovers. Learn More Easy to Setup and Support It’s as easy as USB! Access your accounts 4x faster than other 2FA, and cut support calls by 92% Learn More Purpose-built for Security Unlike other […]Read moreYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is a Secure Static Password?How is a ModHex static password generated? Utilizing ModHex and its 16-character alphabet, and encoding that introduces a measure of “randomness”. A 32-character ModHex password would take a hacker around five billion years to even get a 1 in 2,158,056,614 chance of a correct guess (yes, that’s two billion!). Even a 16-character ModHex password would take around […]Read moreOTPpasswordlessstatic passwordYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is OpenPGP?What is PGP? Pretty Good Privacy, commonly referred to as PGP, is an encryption program developed by Phil Zimmerman in 1991, originally to enable secure communication between anti-nuclear activists via bulletin board systems (BBSs). What is GPG? GPG, also known as GnuPG, is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard. The YubiKey follows […]Read moreOpenPGPsmart cardYubiKey
  • manufacturing solution briefModernize security across manufacturingIn order to protect against modern cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and the software supply chain, security solutions need to modernize. Learn how to implement phishing-resistant MFA and safeguard the supply chain with Yubico solutions.Read moremanufacturingmodern authenticationphishing-resistant MFAsupply chainYubiHSM 2YubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is authentication assurance?What is authentication assurance level 3? The NIST is on version 3 of the Authentication Assurance levels, called Authentication Assurance Level 3 (AAL3). Authentication Assurance relies on examination of the cryptographic modules of an authenticator. Level 3 requirements (AAL3) means that the code is within a tamper-proof container so that keys used in the cryptography are destroyed […]Read moreauthenticationFIDO U2FNISTPIVYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is OATH – TOTP (Time)?What is OATH? Open Authentication (OATH) is an initiative addressing challenges making standard, open technology available to all. Learn more about OATH How to use OATH with the YubiKey? When using OATH with a YubiKey, the shared secrets are stored and processed in the YubiKey’s secure element. This has two advantages over storing secrets on […]Read moreauthenticationTOTPYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoIdentifying your YubiKeyCurrent products Recently discontinued products Legacy productsRead moreWorks with YubiKeyYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoYubiKey ManagerUse the YubiKey Manager to configure FIDO2, OTP and PIV functionality on your YubiKey on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. The tool works with any currently supported YubiKey. You can also use the tool to check the type and firmware of a YubiKey. In addition, you can use the extended settings to specify other […]Read moreresourcesYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is Credential Stuffing?What are examples of credential stuffing?Read morepasswordlessphishingYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoWhat is a YubiKey?The authentication challenge Our mission is making secure login easy and available for everyone. Balancing security and usability has always been a challenge. And the more secure hardware authentication solutions are difficult to use and deploy. The YubiKey changes this. YubiKey is trusted by the world’s leading companiesRead moreauthenticationmultifactor authenticationYubiKey