Tag: WebAuthn

Home » WebAuthn
  • Expanded Security Key Series: Phishing-resistant, FIDO-only MFASecurity Key Series Expansion Last month, we announced the expansion of both Yubico’s YubiEnterprise Subscription and our Security Key Series lineup, which included the addition of two new enterprise, FIDO-only (FIDO2/WebAuthn and FIDO U2F) security keys. We’re excited to share that the Security Key Series are officially available today and can be purchased via our […]Read moreFIDO U2FFIDO2Security Key C NFCSecurity Key NFCSecurity Key SeriesWebAuthn
  • Yubico LogoWhat is Web Authentication?Learn the definition of Web Authentication and get answers to FAQs regarding: What is Web Authentication? How does it work? and more.Read morepasswordlessstrong authenticationWebAuthnYubiKey
  • Keytos case studyDiscover how Keytos Security pioneers passwordless authentication with YubiKeys, enhancing modern FIDO2 security aiding businesses overall.Read morepasswordlessWebAuthnYubiEnterpriseYubiEnterprise Delivery
  • Twitter’s changes to MFA: What the move means for the future of authenticationA recent announcement by Twitter has begun to rock the multi-factor authentication (MFA) boat, and the ripples have spread throughout the tech world. The company announced that starting on March 20, 2023, unless a user is subscribed to its Twitter Blue program (an $11/month subscription), they will lose access to SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA). SMS […]Read moreFIDO2MFASMS 2FAWebAuthn
  • Q&A: Yubico Software Engineer Emil Lundberg on the past, present and future of WebAuthnWith the proliferation of distributed work globally and as cybercriminals become more sophisticated by the day – it’s clear that traditional passwords and legacy MFA simply aren’t strong enough. Enter WebAuthn, an API that makes it easy for web services to integrate strong authentication into applications using support built in to all leading browsers and […]Read moreFIDOInterviewQ&AU2FWebAuthn
  • mobile and cloud servicesPasskey Guidance for Web and Mobile AppsLearn what passkeys are, their benefits, deployment considerations, and how to implement WebAuthn passkey best practices.Read moremobile authenticationpasskeyWebAuthn
  • WebAuthn Explained: Advancing Authentication with Hardware Security Keys & Establishing a Root of Trust – Yubico InsightsEstablishing a “root of trust” is the mechanism in which a user recovers an account or establishes their identity on a new deviceRead moreroot of trustWebAuthn
  • Introducing Yubico Authenticator 6 for DesktopToday we’re releasing the first public beta version of Yubico Authenticator 6 for Desktop. This new version has some big changes under the hood, so let me explain what they are and why we’re doing them. Or, if you’re just eager to try it out, skip to the bottom of this post and click on […]Read moreauthenticationFIDOWebAuthnYubico AuthenticatorYubiKey
  • How to enhance your Adaptive MFA strategy using Yubico’s Java WebAuthn ServerCome learn how to use Yubico’s Java WebAuthn Server to streamline WebAuthn flows based on user’s authenticatorsRead moreJavaMFAWebAuthn
  • WebAuthn implementation: What’s what, why should you care and new updates from YubicoWhen it comes to WebAuthn, there’s certainly no shortage of acronyms or protocols. But what do they mean, and which ones do you need to care about? Fret not – both clarity and help are available! In this blog, we’ll share tips on how to implement WebAuthn, as well as share news about java-webauthn-server library […]Read moreFIDO U2FFIDO2MFApasswordlesssecurity keyWebAuthn