Tag: smart card
Available now: YubiKey Bio Series – Multi-protocol Edition keys expand phishing-resistant authentication options for enterprises As adoption of biometric logins continues to increase globally, enterprises and cybersecurity teams require stronger security combined with user convenience to improve user adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and ensure productivity. Hardware security keys that leverage biometrics, like the YubiKey Bio Series, enable organizations to do so by offering portable, user-friendly seamless functionality – all […] Read more PIV smart card YubiKey 5.7 YubiKey as a Service YubiKey Bio YubiKey Bio Multi-protocol Edition -
Securing mobile web app browsing for the U.S. military: Q&A with Jason Christensen and Alex Antrim We’ve heard from customers and Yubico employees that have experienced first hand how difficult it can be for government employees to remotely and securely access essential web services like email, MyPay, and Defense Travel System. In the past, they would typically be required to login to a desktop, making access on the go essentially impossible. […] Read more Department of Defense DoD federal government Q&A smart card -
Straxis and Yubico launch secure mobile web app to access essential U.S. military email, pay and travel services SANTA CLARA, CA, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN and TULSA, OK – July 15th 2024 – Yubico, the leading provider of hardware authentication security keys and Straxis, a mobile application provider, today announced the availability of a new Secure Web browsing application called MilSecure Mobile. This application can be adopted by any Defense Department (DOD) organization to enable […] Read more Department of Defense DoD federal government government smart card -
Yubico Pioneers the Simplification of Smartcard Support on Mobile for iOS Yubico is committed to enabling YubiKey integrations for all of our technology partners and enterprise customers with the least amount of friction and time-to-market as possible. With this goal in mind, we are very excited to announce the public general availability of our Yubico Authenticator for iOS app that now supports YubiKey-based smartcard login alongside […] Read more Apple ios authentication smart card -
Introducing the expanded YubiKey Bio Series: YubiKey Bio Multi-protocol Edition (Early Access) As the threat of sophisticated attacks like phishing continue to rise, enterprise users and cybersecurity teams are seeking a solution that offers robust security and user-friendly functionality. With the increasing adoption of biometric logins, enterprises aim to marry strong security with user convenience to boost productivity and job satisfaction. Hardware security keys that leverage biometrics, […] Read more Early Access PIV smart card YubiEnterprise Subscription YubiKey Bio -
Resolve to be cyber resilient: Moving on from legacy MFA in energy and natural resources Every November, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISR) Month focuses on educating the vital role critical infrastructure plays in the nation’s well being. Led by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the conversation centers around why it’s important to strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience. One of the critical infrastructures, energy and natural resources, is […] Read more CISA energy and natural resources PIV smart card -
Uncovered PIV use cases on iOS: Using YubiKey as a smart card on iOS In a recent post we discussed the concept of using a YubiKey as a smart card on iOS. Now that we’ve outlined the overall concept, we’d like to expand by exploring the unlocked use cases for using a smart card for authentication, creating digital signatures, and decrypting messages and documents on Apple iPhones and iPads. […] Read more ios authentication PIV smart card Yubico Authenticator YubiKey -
Five Strategies to Scale Phishing-Resistant MFA in 2023 – Yubico Legacy multi-factor authentication (MFA) has not worked against modern cyber threats due to inability to stop phishing and other account takeovers. Modern MFA, such as YubiKeys, have been proven to stop phishing attacks and account takeovers in their tracks. Only solutions based on Smart card/PIV or FIDO protocols are truly phishing-resistant according to the National […] Read more FIDO OTP phishing-resistant MFA smart card YubiKey -
How to implement a CryptoTokenKit extension on iOS In previous blog posts here and here, we’ve shared how you can use a YubiKey and its PIV Smart Card application together with the Yubico Authenticator app for iOS. Essentially, you can now use your YubiKey to authenticate in Safari and many other applications on iOS using certificate-based authentication backed by the PIV Smart Card […] Read more PIV smart card Yubico Authenticator YubiKey -
Smart Cards Simplified – Private sector Smartcards provide strong security but they can be complex for to adopt both for the organization and the end users alike. Users may even have to carry smart card readers and additional peripherals to use the solution. Read this solution to understand how a modern and simplified smart card approach can either replace your legacy smart card approach, or get you on the road to raising the security bar, by providing strong phishing defense in the modern cyber threat landscape. All while being very well suited for your hybrid or remote workforce, with users working across a range of modern desktops, tablets and smart phones. Read more smart card state and local government strong authentication