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  • Available now: Security key support for Apple ID on iOS 16.3We have exciting news for our Apple users: just yesterday, as part of iOS 16.3, Apple announced the general availability of security key support for Apple ID accounts — so grab your iPhone and your YubiKey and turn it on today!  Check out our support center here for a step-by-step guide and setup instructions on how to […]Read moreAppleiCloudiOSiPhonesecurity keyYubiKey
  • Native support for WebAuthn and FIDO is finally here on iPhones and iPadsYubico was founded with the mission of making simple and secure logins ubiquitous. In 2008, we launched the first YubiKey for seamless, one-touch authentication. In 2012, in close collaboration with Google, Yubico’s inventions evolved into the FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) open authentication standard, and in 2014 it was launched in Gmail and Chrome. In […]Read moreabout YubicoFIDOiPhoneWebAuthn
  • iPhone support for YubiKey OTP via NFCWill my YubiKey NEO work on iPhones now that iOS 11 added some NFC support? It’s a fair question – one that we’ve been getting a lot of. This blog explains some of the details about iPhone support for YubiKey OTP to help bring some clarity to YubiKey users. First, it’s important to understand the […]Read moreiPhonenfcOTP
  • When Will YubiKey NEO Work with iPhone 6 NFC?Yubico has heard this question a lot over the past days since the iPhone 6 was released with NFC support. The answer would be “now” if Apple had an open ecosystem, but that likely won’t be the case for another 12-16 months. But put a pushpin on your roadmap, the YubiKey NEO will be a multi-factor authentication […]Read moreAppleFIDOiPhonenfcU2FYubiKey NEO
  • Welcome to the Future, It’s about to Get Really Interesting…This week ushered in my start with Yubico and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of what is going on here. The challenge in any new job is that while your colleagues are at a full-on run, you’re still learning how to walk. But after five days, I do know I better catch […]Read moreabout YubicoAppleiPhonenfc