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Home » ios authentication
  • Yubico Pioneers the Simplification of Smartcard Support on Mobile for iOSYubico is committed to enabling YubiKey integrations for all of our technology partners and enterprise customers with the least amount of friction and time-to-market as possible. With this goal in mind, we are very excited to announce the public general availability of our Yubico Authenticator for iOS app that now supports YubiKey-based smartcard login alongside […]Read moreAppleios authenticationsmart card
  • How to add YubiKeys to Apple ID: A step-by-step guideWith Apple’s launch of support for security keys as a part of their iOS 16.3 update, users can now register their YubiKeys to their iCloud account. By taking this simple step, users can significantly increase their security – even if their iCloud account password is stolen.  Security keys are phishing-resistant because they require proof of […]Read moreAppleApple IDiCloudiOSios authentication
  • Uncovered PIV use cases on iOS: Using YubiKey as a smart card on iOSIn a recent post we discussed the concept of using a YubiKey as a smart card on iOS. Now that we’ve outlined the overall concept, we’d like to expand by exploring the unlocked use cases for using a smart card for authentication, creating digital signatures, and decrypting messages and documents on Apple iPhones and iPads. […]Read moreios authenticationPIVsmart cardYubico AuthenticatorYubiKey
  • Yubico LogoSoftware Development Toolkits (SDKs)Yubico’s SDK offerings deliver rapid integration ofhardware-based strong authentication YubiKey SDKs Yubico has developed a range of mobile SDKs, such as for iOS and Android, and also desktop SDKs to enable developers to rapidly integrate hardware security into their apps and services, and deliver a high level of security on the range of devices, apps […]Read moredevelopersios authenticationmobile authenticationYubico Developer Program
  • Yubico announces general availability of next-generation Android and iOS SDKsYubico is committed to enabling YubiKey integrations for all of our technology partners and enterprise customers with the least amount of friction and time-to-market as possible. With this goal in mind, we are very excited to announce the public general availability of our Android and iOS SDKs that went into public beta in December last […]Read moreandroidios authentication
  • Yubico releases new public beta versions of iOS and Android mobile SDKsToday, Yubico is excited to release public beta versions of the next generation of our mobile SDKs for both iOS and Android platforms. The Yubico Mobile SDKs can be used to integrate multi-protocol YubiKey support into mobile apps via near-field communication (NFC), Lightning, and USB connections (USB available for Android only). With this public preview, we want to give […]Read moreandroidios authentication
  • Yubico Authenticator App for iOS Now Supports NFCDid you know that you can use a YubiKey to protect your online accounts even if a service doesn’t offer built-in support for security keys? That’s right. With the Yubico Authenticator app, individuals can use a YubiKey to secure any service or application as long as it supports other authentication apps as a two-factor authentication […]Read moreauthenticator appios authenticationMicrosoftnfc
  • Yubico iOS Authentication Expands to Include NFCThis week, at the annual September iPhone event, Apple introduced new functionality that allows the full range of YubiKey authentication on iOS via near field communication (NFC). This has been many years in the making, back in Oct 2017 we even wrote about when this day would come. Previously, NFC on iOS was read-only, which […]Read moreios authenticationnfcYubiKey 5C NFC
  • Say Hello to Simple, Secure Login on iOS with the YubiKey 5CiToday marks an exciting milestone, not only in the history of Yubico, but in the history of security keys and mobile devices. Yubico celebrates more than a decade of cutting edge contributions to the authentication market with its latest innovation, the YubiKey 5Ci, now available for purchase at our Yubico store. The YubiKey 5Ci is […]Read moreios authenticationWorks with YubiKeyYubiKeyYubiKey 5ci
  • YubiKey comes to the iPhone with Mobile SDK for iOS and LastPass supportIt’s a question that we receive often, ‘so how does the YubiKey work with iPhone?’ Until now, the answer to that question has been a bit unclear because of limited support for NFC in iOS. But today, we have a clear answer: YubiKey iOS support is here, now, with two exciting pieces of news. For […]Read moreios authenticationLastPassMFAnfc