Meeting enhanced cyber insurance requirements with strong authentication

    Raising the bar on security with phishing-resistant MFA

    Despite best efforts across the globe, cyberattacks continue to rise in both frequency and severity. The average organization now faces a 32% year-over-year increase in the number of cyberattacks per week, including ransomware, phishing, and Man-in-the-Middle attacks. Compromised credentials continue to be the most common attack entry point—61% of data breaches traced back to stolen credentials in some way.

    Cyber risk is becoming an ever-greater business liability, with 40% of business leaders reporting cyber threats as the No. 1 business risk—one with the potential to decimate an organization and, in the worst cases, make recovery impossible. As a result, organizations have increasingly turned to cyber insurance to help them recover from damage or minimize impact. But, at the same time as organizations turn to cyber insurance, that insurance has become harder to procure.

    Read this whitepaper to learn about the changing cyber threat landscape, evolving cyber insurance requirements and the best practices to position your organization in the best way to qualify for cyber insurance as requirements become increasingly stringent.

    Download the white paper