Building a phishing-resistant enterprise with device-bound passkeys
Passwords are ingrained in every aspect of the traditional IAM identity lifecycle stages. Unfortunately, stolen passwords are one of the largest threat vectors compromising online security. However, more recently, important mandates have come in place for government agencies as well as private sector organizations to harden cybersecurity defenses against phishing attacks by replacing highly vulnerable password-based multi-factor authentication with phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) and then ideally to passwordless authentication, eliminating passwords altogether.
Passkeys have been introduced by the FIDO Alliance as a way to accelerate passwordless for consumers and organizations alike. However, not all passkeys are created equal. Enterprises need to pick an approach that creates phishing-resistant users, and not just focus on phishing-resistant authentication. Read the e-book to learn about the difference between synced passkeys and device-bound passkeys and which approaches and tradeoffs would work best for your users and your business from a security, user onboarding, account recovery and audit and compliance perspective.