Tag: federal government

  • First US e-Government Services Protected with FIDO U2F Unphishable Security KeysToday, at the 2017 Federal Identity Forum (FedID), we are taking an important step towards a more secure internet for everyone by introducing the first US federal services to offer identity proofing protection with an unphishable FIDO U2F security key.  This solution is enabled through identity proofing provider ID.me, and marks the first roll out […]Read morefederal governmentgovernmentphishing
  • NIST publishes new authentication standards, FIDO U2F achieves AAL3After a year of review, the National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST) today released version 3 of its latest digital identity guidelines, outlining a number of updates that play to the multi-protocol functionality of the YubiKey. NIST Special Publication 800-63 Revision 3 covers guidelines on identity proofing and authentication of users (such as employees, […]Read morefederal governmentFIDO U2F security key